Sunday, February 3, 2013

Snorkeling 101 - Rough & Tumble Chick

I learned the hard way:  Rocks & Reef are not your friends.

Tropical Adventure Touchdown!!

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Welcome to Paradise...Kona, Hawaii

Little did I know, this was going to be one of my most MEANINGFUL & ENLIGHTENING trips ever.  Not often do I come to crystal clear realizations about important issues in my life.  But while here, I ended up receiving the greenlight that I needed from The Universe to RID MYSELF OF FEAR and embark on a new chapter.  :)
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On the Road to Hilo

Getting ready to hop on the road to Hilo!
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Umm....Are We Lost???

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Botanical Gardens of Kona's North Shore

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I Can't Pronounce this Fruit's Name...But I'll Eat It!!!

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Oh Yeah!! Personalized Bracelet...Comes with Free Wish!!

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I'm in Island Heaven with all these Tropical Flowers!!

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Taking a Moment...

My buddy, The Meditating Dog.

Me & My buddy, The Meditating Dog.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Time to Relax! Beachfront Dinner in Kona

My sister, Crystal, my little brother, Eric & Me!
Our receipt from dinner.
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Bye-Bye, Kona!! Thanks for the Memories...XOXO


BYE-BYE Kona!!! Thanks for the memories!!! I PROMISE, we'll be back soon!! XoXo