Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Holi Festival - The Calm Before the Storm

This was the morning of the Holi Festival, still in New Delhi. The common salutation on this day is "Happy Holi", just like "Merry Christmas".  The offering that we left on the bed, from what we were told, is common practice.  It is believed that the more you give, the more good karma you will receive for the year.  Business owners offer generous discounts on this day, and most people (whether wealthy or extremely poor)  make an offering in some form.  We had been there for a couple nights...it was time to hit the road and move on to our next city.  Little did I know, I was about to get ambushed..!

Searching for Ammunition on the mean streets of india

Moving right along with adventures in Incredible India...this was (I think!) Day 2 in New Delhi, situated in Northern India. We had planned this trip around The Holi Festival of Colors.  Similar to India's Christmas, it is a nationally recognized holiday - the most auspicious and important day in the Hindu culture.  In India, the word "auspicious" is used frequently.  I'd like to think that I have a pretty robust vocab, but I honestly hadn't heard the word used too much, and was curious.  So much so, that I had to ask our guide exactly what it meant in the context of their daily life.  He response:  "of great importance, special meaning, good luck, good karma".  So the sheer fact that we were in India to experience the holiday was "good karma".  He was cool enough to take us after-hours (separate from our tour) to search for colors, or colored powders. Which, as all Indian peeps know, is a MUST on Holi.  Not having colors on Holi is like going to battle without ammo!  Only in this battle, it's all LOVE.  To find out more about this awesome holiday, check out this link:  http://www.holifestival.org/festival-of-colours.html

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Just Do It...Take a Trip!!!

Ok, so some of you may have seen pictures from my recent trip to India/Nepal.  That trip actually came about when I finally decided to grow some balls and join my friends, Ernesto & Ramon (my Groys) on their next adventure! Well...it was definately a life-changer, perspective-changer...way beyond any expectations I had. Any pictures you've seen hardly scratch the surface, and really don't do justice to how much fun we had. I was soo blessed to have experienced such breath-taking beauty (what stands out most in my mind is the warmth and selflessness of the Indian people), and witness with my own eyes the countries' rich history (Kama Sutra temples, Ganghis River, Taj Majal, Himalayas).  I'll be sharing videos from my trip, hoping to inspire you to go on your OWN adventure.  Check out www.smartours.com.  That's the travel company we went through - rockstar, knowledgable guides, reasonable prices (yup! You can make monthly payments!), 5-star hotels, a good balance of site-seeing and exploring the authentic native culture.
Do YOU have any interesting stories to share about your own life-changing trip?  Ohh, Daaawwlliiing.....do tell!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Monday, July 16, 2012

You: Enhanced Version

Well, once upon a time I embarked on a blogging journey...here we are, almost 3 yrs later, and I still like to talk! A lot.  I recently made some changes in my life that have broadened my horizons and opened my eyes and heart to a world of opportunities. I've decided to dedicate this blog to everyone and anyone who is looking to become an enhanced, "new & improved" version of his or herself. 

We already know we're amazing - what are some things that we can do to enhance our lives, fulfill our dreams and become a more beautiful INSIDE and out? 

I'll be sharing everything from workouts, make-up tips, cool events, delicious recipes or basically anything going on in my life that I feel will contribute to you being the BEST YOU ever!! I'm especially eager to hear your ideas, suggestions, thoughts and experiences.

Thanks for sharing in this personal journey...Welcome to Valentinaland!