Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Just Do It...Take a Trip!!!

Ok, so some of you may have seen pictures from my recent trip to India/Nepal.  That trip actually came about when I finally decided to grow some balls and join my friends, Ernesto & Ramon (my Groys) on their next adventure! was definately a life-changer, perspective-changer...way beyond any expectations I had. Any pictures you've seen hardly scratch the surface, and really don't do justice to how much fun we had. I was soo blessed to have experienced such breath-taking beauty (what stands out most in my mind is the warmth and selflessness of the Indian people), and witness with my own eyes the countries' rich history (Kama Sutra temples, Ganghis River, Taj Majal, Himalayas).  I'll be sharing videos from my trip, hoping to inspire you to go on your OWN adventure.  Check out  That's the travel company we went through - rockstar, knowledgable guides, reasonable prices (yup! You can make monthly payments!), 5-star hotels, a good balance of site-seeing and exploring the authentic native culture.
Do YOU have any interesting stories to share about your own life-changing trip?  Ohh, tell!!!


  1. This is exactly how I felt about my first trip to Europe! Traveling totally changes your life perspective; everyone should spoil themselves with at least one great trip.

    1. I know it!! The coolest part was not knowing what day it was, not having a cell phone...a total adventure. Reminded me that we're just one country on a planet saturated with all kinds of different cultures,beliefs, foods, traditions...


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