Monday, September 24, 2012

Impromptu Interview w/ Congressional Candidate, Michael Crimmins

I happened to meet Michael recently while at a family gathering.  I used this as an opportunity to get a peek into the mind of a local politician.  I knew nothing about him, or his district. This interview is 100% impromptu and unscripted.  As a matter of fact, I guess you can say this was my first experience sitting down to chat with a political candidate.  You can probably tell, my phone was used to film (that's why we're squeezed into the frame).  I strongly encourage you to watch the video in its entirety - especially if you happen to live in the 51st District. .
**My goal was to remain, as UNBIASED as possible, to allow YOU to draw your OWN conclusions.** I will say that the views expressed by Mr. Crimmins in NO WAY reflect my own beliefs or political views.  What I will say, is that it certainly lit a fire under me to find out: WHICH district do I fall under? WHO is running in my district?? WHAT do they stand for?? Have I registered to vote?? So that come election time, I am able to make informed choices and be heard - instead of complaining after-the-fact about issues that effect the lives of me and my loved ones.
If you live in San Diego, CHECK YOUR REGISTRATION STATUS and other voting-related info:

1 comment:

  1. Hello people of Valentina! Where do I begin... First of all, thank you Ms. Valentina for allow this candidate to show his true colors...they were pretty dingy. I prefer the colors of the rainbow. VOTE!!! Otherwise, his views will become ours. Excellent interview. I know it must have been hard not to use his lil four-legged chair on the back of his head.


Thanks for leaving your 2 cents, vlogger dogger.