Monday, October 15, 2012

The Positivity Experiment

They say you catch more bees with honey....I thought I'd try spending my day giving off nothing but POSITIVE vibes!  Stay tuned for the outcome...

Laguna Beach Shoot Sept. 2012 :)

Photos & Video by Ernesto Stivalet aka Jotographo (Instagram)
Was at a family birthday brunch this past weekend, and my cousin asked me "Hey, Val...what do you plan on doing with all these pictures your taking?".   Good question, Cuz...definitely got me thinking...maybe I'll do a calendar to get myself some exposure??  Hey - worst-case scenario, I print some up, nobody likeee, nobody buys and I'm left with Christmas gifts for friends n family! :) Hey, I may be onto something.!....Hmmm......

Vision Board Update - Wow!! This Thing Works!!

So this is pretty interesting.  To my surprise, pretty much EVERY image I've placed on my board almost 5 months ago has come true, in some way shape or form - and  I can prove it!!!  Check out my video, then take a look at the mermaid photo below.  I had placed it on my Vision Board - for no reason in particular, other than I thought it was beautiful and it makes me feel good when I look at it.  It was a birthday card from my sister, Crystal. :)  I really didn't conceive the idea of anything mermaid-related coming from it.  I mean, come on!  Mermaid?!? What are the chances??  UNTIL....
About 3 months later I heard from a friend I hadn't spoken to in years...he tells me he is now into "painting mermaids".  We did a photo shoot recently, and the bottom two photos are the playful & beautiful end results.  More evidence of the Power of the Vision Board!! Dun-dun-DUN!!!! So what are you waiting for?!? Get on it! :)
Petting a dolphin - of course!
San Diego Sunset