Monday, October 15, 2012

Vision Board Update - Wow!! This Thing Works!!

So this is pretty interesting.  To my surprise, pretty much EVERY image I've placed on my board almost 5 months ago has come true, in some way shape or form - and  I can prove it!!!  Check out my video, then take a look at the mermaid photo below.  I had placed it on my Vision Board - for no reason in particular, other than I thought it was beautiful and it makes me feel good when I look at it.  It was a birthday card from my sister, Crystal. :)  I really didn't conceive the idea of anything mermaid-related coming from it.  I mean, come on!  Mermaid?!? What are the chances??  UNTIL....
About 3 months later I heard from a friend I hadn't spoken to in years...he tells me he is now into "painting mermaids".  We did a photo shoot recently, and the bottom two photos are the playful & beautiful end results.  More evidence of the Power of the Vision Board!! Dun-dun-DUN!!!! So what are you waiting for?!? Get on it! :)
Petting a dolphin - of course!
San Diego Sunset

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