Sunday, August 26, 2012

Strolling the Strip...

You never know what characters you'll find on the Las Vegas Strip! Here we encounter "Ahmed" from Long Beach. :) Subscribe to my YouTube channel;

Poolside in Sin City...Don't Forget Your Sunscreen!

Las Vegas Heat = Time to put on your sunscreen!  We're poolside in Vegas.  I discuss the importance of sun protection while in Sin City. Check out my YouTube channel :)

Getting (Chocolate) Wasted in Vegas!

My sister, Crystal, Mom & I are crazy about chocolate!  We're taking you inside the famous Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory in Las Vegas.  If you've got a sweet tooth, this video is sure to leave you drooling! Check out my YouTube channel :)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Powders, Concealers, Eye Shadows....Oh, My!

This video is PROOF that shopping highs DO exist!!! Julia and I are fresh off of a trip to Sephora aka our "Shopping Fix Wonderland"!  We reveal what's in our goodie bags & share specifics a few of our fave products:  Bare Minerals Customizable 8-Piece Starter Kit (Original formulation in Golden Medium). Smashbox High Definition Concealer (in Medium). Buxom Stay Put Eyeshadow (in Shnauzer) & Buxom Eye Pallet (in Swing).  More specific vlogs with step-by-step makeup application tips to come, Ladies! :) Check out my YouTube channel :)

Sunday, August 19, 2012

How Do I know if a Loved One has O.C.D.?

Julia and I discuss O.C.D. Sometimes is so hard to recognize the symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.  What's a joke for some, can be a real-life self-imposed prison to those who REALLY have it. How can we know if someone needs help, and where do we go? Visit Julia's vlog for real, first-hand experience, great resources and help for family and friends:  This is unconventional, great info, all in one place. Plus...Julia is AMAZING! :)

No More Procrastinating!!!

Ok, enough watching life pass you by!  B-O-R-I-N-G! It's time to grab life by the horns and start doing things that TRULY make you happy.  I'm my experience and a small suggestion on how to get the ball rolling with new projects, hobbies and  adventures. P.S. I may look like it, but I'm NOT vlogging naked! Hahahaahaaa...Mental note:  Don't wear strapless shirt while vlogging :)
Check out my YouTube channel :)

Friday, August 17, 2012

Why Should I be Eating Organic Food?

Julia and I discuss organic foods and products.  Is it REALLY better for you? What are the benefits? Why should we spend the extra money in such a tough economy?  We are not doctors - just speaking from personal experience.

Soy...Friend or Foe? Nutrition w/ Julia

The government has purpetuated the idea that "all-things soy" are good for you, and provide excellent health benefits.  Julia and I discuss why this might not necessarily be true.  We are not doctors - only speaking from personal experience.

Food Facts & Fiction - Nutrition w/ Julia

Julia's sharing the truth about veggies, sodas and artificial sweeteners.  Who knew frozen spinach is better than fresh?  Or that diet soda is worse than regular soda? We are not doctors - only speaking from our own experience and research.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

If You Can't Beat 'em...Join 'em!

Never thought such a small investment could improve one's quality of life in such a major way...Bye-bye terrible traffic and pesky parking tickets!  Hello sunkissed skin and luscious, lean legs!! 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Vision Board - Myth or Must-Have???

I'm sharing my first vision board experience! What is a vision board? Do they work? Should you spend time creating one? I give you the inside scoop.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

How to Get Long, Glamorous Hair - Just Like the Celebrities!

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use clip-in (yes, clip-in!!) hair extensions to achieve the dramatic length and fullness you desire.  Not sure where to purchase hair?  Check out Beauty Supply Wearhouse - 2901 University Ave. You do NOT have to be a licensed professional to shop at this store.  Don't expect exceptional customer service, DO expect a great assortment of choices in hair and other beauty products.  Also, to expedite natural hair growth - I recommend Biotin supplements (gel) daily.  I noticed a difference after taking them for a couple of months. *I am not a doctor, and am merely speaking from personal experience :)

Friday, August 3, 2012

On Our Way to See Bodies Being Burned...OMG!

My magical friend, Jim, and I are headed to the Ganges River in Varanasi, India.  This is truly a spiritual experience of a lifetime, and definitely one of the highlights of our trip!  Hindus believe that of your dead body is burned at the River, it will expedite the transition into your next life.  It's also considered the "ultimate blessing" to swim in the body of water.  You better believe we jumped in - utterly invigorating.  I also believe that this particular part of my trip changed my life.
"The Ganges is the most sacred river to Hindus and is also a lifeline to millions of Indians who live along its course and depend on it for their daily needs. It is worshiped as the goddess Ganga in Hinduism.The Ganges was ranked among the five most polluted rivers of the world in 2007, with fecal coliform levels in the river near Varanasi more than one hundred times the official Indian government limits" - per Wikipedia...WHOA!! More info:

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Hide Your Children!! Taj Majal, here we come...

This had to be one of my all-time favorite moments from the trip.  We were in a little rickshaw, on our way to see "The Monument of LOVE"! We were being total goofballs and having the absolute time of our lives. I never knew how incredibly romantic the backstory is on the Taj. A prince built the breathtaking monument to pay homage to his favorite wife who died during childbirth.  The result? What is now known as one of the Seven Wonders of the World.  If that's not romantic, I don't know what is! For more history on the Taj, check out:

Dancing with Elephants

Oh, yes we did!!!! Hey, the music was so good, we couldn't resist!! At this point, it was our 3rd or 4th day into the trip...the other people on our tour (I'm convinced) probably thought we were on drugs.  But we definately kept things lively, and eventually they affectionately nicknamed us "The Kids" - which we gladly accepted. :) For centuries, Indian royalty has embellished elephants - historically used as a regal mode of transportation.  It was so cool to see the gorgeous, bright colors on such big, beautiful creatures. And they seemed to be pretty content, no weird animal cruelty stuff going on that we could see. 

Amber Palace - Jaipur, India

Ok, so here if I look tired...I WAS! Long night the night bags were in full effect.  But I love this video because it shows My Groys (Ernesto & Ramon) in all their glory.  Dancing while riding an elephant. Only in India, Baby!

Gettin Down n Dirty...